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Middle Ages Directions

“Hear, Ye! Hear, Ye!  You are about to enter a fierce competition full of brave knights and lovely maidens (or in our case, 6th graders).”


Your task:  Win the AMAZING RACE.  

  1. Your team must complete a minimum of 9 tasks between May _________. 

  2. Each task must be checked by a teacher and signed off on your packet.  

  3. Then you will receive instructions on which part of the castle to build (spend 15 minutes or less on castle building so you can go on to your next task).  


Teams should be able to complete at least one task per day, with the minimum of 10 Tasks!  Teams will start on different tasks, but must continue in order (for example, a team starting on task 3 would continue in order 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and then go back to 1 and 2).  


The reward: The team with the most tasks completed and the most complete castle will win (Ties will be broken by judging the teams’ castles for completeness, effort, neatness, and detail).  


Your grade:  Individuals will be graded on their participation and effort in helping their team with tasks and castle building.  If individual students are not participating appropriately, they will complete bookwork on the Middle Ages instead of participating in the Amazing Race.

Task 1: Castles

Use the links to complete the worksheet and then play the game.  

Ways to attack

Best Castle to attack (Use this site for worksheet "Best Castle to Attack" (Motte and Bailey, Stone or Concentric)

Defending a Castle


Task 2: Feudal vs. Roman World

Compare and Contrast the Roman World vs. Feudal World

Place the characteristic cards on the Venn Diagram in their proper place.

When complete, take a picture with your laptop and show your teacher.

Task 3: Newscast


Create a newscast about medieval times. Each person in the group will play a role or roles, and work as a group to plan and write a script for a short news or TV-style segment. Your skit should be between 3-5 minutes in length.


Newscast Topics and Roles:

  • News Anchor (1)

  • Weather Report about the climate in Europe (1)

  • Interview with Charlemagne and Genghis Khan (3)

  • Commercial: Knights Needed (1)

  • Breaking News: News about the Bubonic Plague (2-3)


Tips and Guidelines:

  • Follow the guidelines on the topic cards to help you write your script. 

  • Use online sources or your textbook to help you write your script.

  • Each person in your section of the newscast should talk for about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

  • Scripts should be typed and printed.

  • When you finish writing the script, practice it with your group members.

  • The newscast will be presented in the order that the topics are listed on this sheet.

  • You will record your skit and present it on Flipgrid. Your Flipgrid Link will be provided by your teacher.

Task 4: Black Plague

Task 5: Juggling

Use the videos and scarves to learn to juggle. Record one person showing their juggling skills and show to your teacher.

Learn:  Juggling Basics

Extend: Learn 3 Scarf Juggling

Task Six: Dirty Jobs

Here are 6 dirty jobs from the middle ages:

  • Barber Surgeon
  • Cottar in Middle Ages
  • Ditcher in Middle Ages
  • Page in Middle Ages
  • Physician in Middle Ages or Plague Doctor in Middle Ages
  • Scullion in Middle Ages

Find out what each job was like during the Middle Ages. ( You may use Google to search.)

Go to Canvas and click on the assignment 5.10 Dirty Jobs  follow directions for assignment.



Task 7: Coat of Arms

Task 8: The Crusades

 Go to Canvas 5.14 and watch the video and fill out the notes guide. 

Task 10: Breakout

Breakout of the Middle Ages (Use the clues to solve the puzzles)

Bonus Task 1

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