Chat and Chew
Book Club for 6th Grade
What is it?
Chat and Chew is a book club for 6th grade students where they have the opportunity of discuss books while eating lunch in the Library.
When will we meet?
Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 7th. Bring a book that you are reading or have just finished reading to discuss and share. We will decide at our first meeting how often our group would like to meet in the future.
What type of book club will it be?
This is to be determined once our group meets and formulates a plan!
Possible ideas include:
*Everyone reads the same book at the same time.
*We divide into groups and each group reads a different book.
*We read books from different genres (everyone could read the same book or a different book from within the same genre.)
*We read different books all written by the same author.
How do I join Chat and Chew? Please go to this brief Google Form 6th Grade Chat 'n Chew and fill it out.