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Lewis and Clark Expedition: Home

Tips for Creating a Successful Movie on Movie Maker




1. Create a Social Studies/Lewis and Clark folder in your file folder.

2. Research your topic using the links found on the lib guide and books on the library cart.  Start with the 5 Ws (Who, What, Where, Why, and When).  Don't forget your topic's significance to the Expedition.  This information will help you write your paragraph.

3. Go to the Nebraska site and find a journal entry for your topic.  Don't choose the first one you see until you've looked at all of them!

4. When you've chosen your diary entry copy/paste or type it into (leave the misspellings) a Power Point slide and save it in a JPEG format.

5. Save your photos and your map as JPEGS and put them in your folder.

6. Be sure to cite all of your sources in MLA style, except for photos and music.  These you may cite with a simple URL and put them at the end of your movie.

7. To get instructions on how to use Movie Maker click on the link above for the PDF.  (Movie Maker is a program on the school computers.)

8. Make sure that your music*, video clip, transitions and effects don't distract from your topic and time period.   

9. Don't forget your title, your First and Last Name, your teacher, and your hour.

10. To save your movie, you need to "Save Movie" on Movie Maker "For Computer" and put in your folder.  Name the file like the following: 1-Lewis and Clark-Topic-First and Last Name-Hour (Example:  1-Lewis and Clark - Thomas Jefferson - NancyTorgler-7)


Citing Sources

Sample Citation for Diary Entry:

Lewis, Meriwether.  " Sacajawea." University of Nebraska, Lincoln. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 01 Apr 1805. Web. 25 Nov 2013.               <>.

( Note: Your citation needs to be indented .35 after the 1st line)

Books in the HMS Library

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