The first step is to take notes over your organization. Locate your organization's website on the internet. Cut and paste the URL address into This site will create a citation for you. This citation needs to be placed on a word document and saved in your folder for later. Any additional sources you may use will also need to be cited and added to this document. You will answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. You must use your own words!
Sources for Research
_____ Website of your organization
_____ brochures, pamphlets, or other information from the organization
_____ e-mail or phone interview with organization
_____ books or databases
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions. Do not write in complete sentences. This helps prevent plagiarizing. Write out the questions in bold on your paper.
Essential Questions:
1) Who are we? (Describe the organization. What services are provided? How do they help or what do they do? Why was the organization created?)
2) What is our mission statement? (Why are we doing this? This may be copied word for word from the website but you need to include quotes around it.
3) Who is served? (Tell who qualifies for assistance.)
4) How do those that qualify get help?
5) What can citizens do to help the organization?
Further Research Questions:
6) What are 3 statistics that support the need to help this organization?
7) What are 10 additional facts about the organization or their cause?
8) Think of additional ways citizens could contribute to the organization or cause.