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ELA 10 - Culture & Literature: Thinglink




Click image to open Edu .

Mrs. Munson Code: LD6KFF

Create Account

  1. Go to .
  2. Click Get Started.
  3. Type your email as the username.  Your password can be anything that is at least 8 characters.
  4. Click Create Account.
  5. Complete the information with your first name, date of birth and the invite code.  Role: Student
  6. Uncheck "Subscribe to newsletter".
  7. Click Get Started.
  8. Begin!


Create a Background Image

Option 1: Create an image in Google Slides or PowerPoint

  1. Open a presentation and create one slide.
  2. Add images, text and shapes.*
  3. Click SAVE AS when complete.  Choose to save as a jpg or png file.
  4. Upload to Thinglink.

Option 2: Find one image online

Locate an image from copyright-friendly site.* See the tab above for details and links.  (Google Images is not copyright-friendly.)

Save image to your folder and upload to Thinglink.

Option 3: Create a Background Image with Image Software

Options include:



Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop (Available on Library Macs only)


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