BVMS Card Catalog:
Top Right: Log In Account My List
Account: Student ID / Library Pin (bvms) - Check-Out and Holds
Search BVMS or All Libraries
Cardinal - Takes you to LibGuide
BV Logo - Takes you to BV School Log-In Page
Search for a Book:
Lexile - Reading Level (MAP)
Physical Description - Page Numbers
Call #
Publication Date
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Children's Literature Comprehensive Database
To Get Back - Put in BVMS and click Search
Search: Titanic
Choose All Libraries
Subject: More, View All, Fewer, Collapse
Format - Book, eBook, DVD etc.
Library - One or more libraries
Author - Optional
Material Type - Optional
Publication Date - Latest Date
Language – Optional
Select Action:
Place Hold
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Text to Me
Assignment: Choose three interesting items under each of the three categories and type on Word Document. We will attach the Word Document to an Webmail.
1. Reference Resources - Encyclopedia, Dictionary/Thesaurus, Almanac, Government and Geography, History, Biography, etc.
2. Citation Sources - EasyBib, Purdue Writing Center, JCCC Writing Center, KU Writing Center
3. BVMS Databases - eBooks, Audio, Streaming, Clip Art, Public Domain
Blue Valley School District Log-In
Go to Parents and Students
Go to Student Log-In
Go to Canvas
Click on Canvas
Log-In: Gmail address
Password: Regular Log-In
Blue Valley School District Log-In
Go to Parents and Students
Go to Student Log-In
Student Email
Click on Student Email
Log-In: Computer Log-In
Password: Regular Log-In
Open a Word document and add information from BVMS Library Catalog. When you are finished attach this document to an email and send it to yourself. Make sure a teacher checks to see if the document is attached when you open the email.
Assignment: Choose three interesting items under each of the four categories and type on Word Document. We will attach the Word Document to an Webmail.
1. Reference Resources - Encyclopedia, Dictionary/Thesaurus, Almanac, Government and Geography, History, Biography, etc.
2. Citation Sources - EasyBib, Purdue Writing Center, JCCC Writing Center, KU Writing Center
3. BVMS Databases - eBooks, Audio, Streaming, Clip Art, Public Domain
Open Webmail /Outlook Document
Add your Name, GS/GD Teacher and Hour
Open Blue Valley Middle School Library Catalog link to answer questions
How to attach a document to Webmail / Outlook:
Put in address
Add a subject
Find the paper clip at the bottom and click on it
Find your document saved in your Word folder
Open and attach
Send email
Show a teacher that the email to you with the attachent
Blue Valley School District Log-In
Go to Parents and Students
Go to Student Log-In
Go to Google Drive
Click on Google Drive
Log-In: username
Password: Regular Log-In password
Files and folders can be arranged in tile format or list format by clicking the icon in the upper right hand corner
Students can go to "My Drive" and "Shared With Me" to clean out old folders
Make sure that these are permanently deleted: Students can do this by going to their trash and cleaning it out
Students can delete folders by right clicking on folder and selecting "Remove"
Students can make a new folder by selecting "New" or right clicking in their Drive
Students should create a separate folder for each of their 8th grade classes and explos
Students can upload documents, videos and other media by right clicking in their Drive and selecting "Upload"
Type two lines about the beginning of 8th grade on a google Doc and share this doc using the "Anyone with Link can View" function
Students should be reminded how to open new Google Sheets and Slides
Demonstrate Screen Cast - O - Matic and allow students to practice
Give a brief overview of Canvas if there is time