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8th Grade Global Citizenship Portfolio: Myths and Legends

Choose a story or legend from a Spanish-speaking country or culture. Learn about the cultural background and origins of that story. Share what you've learned about that story and retell it using your own words in Spanish.


Europe Asia Oceania North America None Africa Africa None South 


The password to access the passwords is our school mascot, plural and lowercase.

  1. Adjust the share settings to Anyone with the Link can View.

  2. Attach shareable link under your hour on the Padlet.

    • Include Last Names on your submission.

Made with Padlet

Setting Up a group Project in NT.

1. ONE Group Member--> Login to Noodle Tools

If needed: Revalidate your account using the password: smart

2. Title- Last name, Last Name, Last Name-Name of Story

3. Share with Spanish teacher

4. Add Student Collaborators by having each group member type in their NT username

5. Cite at least 3 sources before taking notes

a) Database--use the quick cite copy and paste button and copy the citation given on the database page

b) Website--manually pull and plug in the information

c) Book--Import the ISBN

5. At Least 1 notecard per group member-->Notecards Titled Appropriately & Attached to a Source

--check Sources and Notecard Tab


At least 3 Sources cited correctly in NT


(At least 3 Notecards--one per group member in ENGLISH)

Story- Time period of the story, location, meaning or moral of the story, when was the story told (is it still told today)

Characters- background about relevant gods, animals or people from culture that are mentioned in the story

Recommended search: Use major character names as keywords to aid your research.

Culture-Belief system of the people who tell the story, what role does the story play culturally, other relevant information

Works Cited & English Note Cards Due: Beginning of Class Wednesday, May 10th. 


  • Create a visual and speaking presentation that combines English research with a Spanish retelling of your story/legend. 

Use Canva slides to present your research, background information and imbed your retelling slides. No words on slides! You can have as many images and slides as you need.

Use website to create images for retelling. No words on slides! You can have as many images and slides as you need to prompt yourself during your retelling in Spanish.

  • Every student should speak in both English (research) and Spanish (retelling) during their group presentation!

  • Presentations should be between 3-4 minutes. Practice timing yourself before so you know you fit the time frame!

Global Citizenship Project - Retelling Stories


Exceeds or Meets Expectations

(10-8 pts)

Partially Meets Expectations

(7-5 pts)

Insufficient Effort or Missing

(4-0 pts)


  • I include all required sources and notecards on NoodleTools.

  • Sources are cited correctly on NoodleTools.

  • I include most required sources and have cited most of them correctly on Noodletools.

  • I include most of my notecards on NoodleTools.

  • I do not include required sources and /or not correctly cite sources on NoodleTools.

  • My notecards on NoodleTools are incomplete or missing.


  • I make a few simple mistakes. 

  • I use a variety of target and previous vocabulary in order to say what I mean. 

  • I pronounce almost all words correctly.

  • I use appropriate intonation in statements, questions, and exclamations.

  • Emerging control of learned language structures. Frequent errors.

  • I use basic and easy vocabulary.

  • I pronounce most practiced words correctly. 

  • I make many basic grammatical mistakes.

  • Errors are often distracting.

  • I substitute with English or made up words.

  • I often mispronounce practiced words and phrases. 


  • I speak clearly and confidently.

  • I maintain eye contact.

  • I do not use a note card or only glance at notes.

  • I use my voice and/or expressions to engage and entertain the audience.

  • I speak unclearly at times or not loudly enough.

  • I hesitate or pause unnaturally.

  • I often do not maintain eye contact.

  • I occasionally read entire sentences from my note card.

  • I mumble or speak too softly.

  • I have long pauses that disrupt the flow of the presentation.

  • I make little effort to maintain audience attention or do not make eye contact.

  • I read directly from the screen or a notecard.

  • I laugh or break down during my presentation.

Total 30

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