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Advisement Lesson 4/18/17

Celebrate Diversity at OMS


1.) What is Diversity?  According to Merriam Webster, Diversity is defined as:  a) The fact or quality of being diverse; difference. b) A point of respect in which things differ

Create your own definition of diversity.  What falls under the umbrella of diversity?

2.) Oxford is the most diverse middle school in the Blue Valley School district. 

Check out the student made video highlighting our culture.

Thanks Will Beemer for being our amazing videographer, Cameron Quick and Amita Ganesh for leading the group in making the video. 

Image result for video

3.) Talk about it.

Share out something unique about yourself.  This can be done with shoulder partners and/or with the class.

Why do we talk about and celebrate diversity?

How can recognizing eachother's differences improve our school culture?

What makes Oxford a diverse school?

What are someways that we can embrace diversity, as students and as teachers?

4.) 4 Corners Activity-Let's move!!

Designate each corner of the room the following: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree

Center is designated as "I don't know"

Teacher will read aloud statments that students need to respond to by moving to one of the designated corners.  Discuss your stance on the given statment.  Remember to be open and accepting of other's ideas and beliefs.

  1. Public schools should require all students to wear uniforms.
  2. Parents should carefully monitor how their children use the internet.
  3. Video games make teens violent.
  4. Most young people do not respect adults.
  5. Most adults do not respect teenagers.
  6. Prejudiced people cannot be changed.
  7. Jokes that focus on ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation reinforce prejudice.
  8. The media unfairly portrays certain groups of people.
  9. There is too much focus on diversity and multiculturalism in the school curriculum.
  10. Bullying is a normal part of adolescent behavior.
  11. School violence is a major problem in this country.
  12. All people are equal and have the same rights. 
  13. People from different cultural backgrounds can make a successful team.


5.) We all have things in common no matter how diverse we are as a community--Check out the Unity Project Video Image result for video

6.)During Guided Study this week, you will be given a string and you can add your string to the OMS Community Board.  Wrap your string around the descriptors that fit you.

7.) String Board Explanation video Image result for video


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