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Plagiarism: Home


1.  visit the site and create a poster with the main points.

2.  Consequences of Plagiarism:  visit the site and create a poster with the main points.

3.  Copyright for Students:  visit the site and create a poster with the main points.

4.  Copyright Exposed:  visit the site and create a poster with the main points.

Plagiarism or Coincidence:  scan the QR code and answer the question below.  

5.  Group A--Watch the beginning to 7:00.  Choose if you think the songs ar copied or accidentally sound alike.  Reflect & and answer the following question:  Why is it wrong to "steal" music or lyrics?

6.  Group B--Watch 7:01-end.  Choose if you think the songs ar copied or accidentally sound alike.  Reflect & and answer the following question:  Why is it wrong to "steal" music or lyri

7.  Academic Integrity:  Go to site, read and make poster about plagiarism

8.  Copyright FAQ:  Go to site, read and make poster about copyright.   

Subject Guide

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