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AP US History: League of Nations

Google docs

American Government

American History

Gale Virtual Reference

Learning Targets


1.       Explain the original purpose of the League of Nations.

2.      Discuss President Wilson’s goals when he proposed the League of Nations in his Fourteen Points speech.

3.      Analyze arguments for and against the establishment of a League of Nations.

4.      Discuss reasons for and against the U.S. joining the League of Nations.

5.      Evaluate the final decision of the U.S. in regards to the League of Nations.



§  Using a variety of primary and secondary documents, develop answers to each of the learning targets above.

§  You should have a thorough and complete understanding of arguments for and against the League of Nations.

§  Print at least 1 article FOR and 1 article AGAINST the establishment of the League of Nations.

§  Print at least 1 article FOR and 1 article AGAINST the U.S. joining the League of Nations.

§  Be prepared to discuss both sides of the argument during Socratic Seminar on Friday.

§  Be prepared with questions you can ask that relate to each of the learning targets.  You should have questions written on EACH of the articles you print.

Nat'l Archives: Docs Teach

Library of Congress: American Memory

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