Overview: You will be researching one of the issues of the Progressive Era. Then, in groups of 1-3, you will create a public service announcement for your issue.
What is a Public Service Announcement (PSA)? A short message, broadcast, or video commissioned by a government agency or non-profit organization in order to raise awareness about an issue of public interest.
Your public service announcement design should be:
Progressive Era Issues:
Research Directions: Working on your own, you will use your textbook to research your assigned Progressive Era Issue. Use the notes page linked here to take notes on your issue and the solution.
Planning Directions: You may complete parts 2 & 3 as a group of 1-3. Your final product will be a public service announcement video.
This extensive database provides primary source documents and articles, biographies, and more all related to world history.
Rich, reliable, general content, generated for student use in schools and libraries. High quality, scholarly, and verified articles, easily accessible for students.
A subsection of Ebsco, History Reference Center focuses your research on historical topics with the ease of Ebsco's search options.
This database contains a variety of encyclopedia articles and reference sources; a great starting point for background research.
Part 1: Research Notes Google Doc Due Date
Part 2: Planning Storyboard Google Doc Due Date
Part 3: PSA Video Due Date
PSA Video Directions: Now that you have planned your storyboard, you can start creating your PSA video. You will create your video using WeVideo. As you create your PSA video, remember these requirements: