Directions: You will be one of the Gilded Age’s Fat Cats creating a party for the richest of the rich, the elitist of the elite. You will plan and pitch the most extravagant party of the Gilded Age. You are so rich that you have decided to show off your wealth to everyone else. You will need to plan the location, the transportation, the entertainment, the seating chart, the speech, and the dining for the party. You will be assigned a specific person that you are, an assigned set of guests that must be present, and must research one other person of the time to come to your party (maybe this could be where the entertainment comes in…there are only so many rich people).
With that information you must:
Library Schedule:
Research Outline:
This extensive database provides primary source documents and articles, biographies, and more all related to world history.
A subsection of Gale eBooks. Use this link to search specifically for information about world biographies. This is the digital version of a multi-volume set present in the BVSW Library.
A subsection of Ebsco, History Reference Center focuses your research on historical topics with the ease of Ebsco's search options.
Rich, reliable, general content, generated for student use in schools and libraries. High quality, scholarly, and verified articles, easily accessible for students.
Database Access/Passwords:
Download the PDF to access database passwords at home.
Final Product: The idea here is to pitch your dinner party idea; convince your audience that this will be the party of the year. You must record your presentation to submit. You can use any visual aids you want for your presentation (visual aids can be digital or tangible).