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Newsletter, the library: October

W2L: Cartoons

Cartoon Information

Many educational websites are popping up with cartoon creators.  Students can create a cartoon online using provided characters, backgrounds, and props.  Students can then focus on the content by paraphrasing and summarizing a concept or idea in a creative way.  
Bitstrips is a cartoon creator designed for educators. The library has purchased 40 student accounts and these are available to teachers to use. Please see one of the librarians about setting this up for your class. Or preview it at

If you would like to try this with your class, stop by the library.  We have helpful tools and handouts for your class.  Even sign up to bring in your class and we will help students navigate the sites to create their cartoon.

Other Cartoon Creators:

Neat Sites

Teacher Spotlight

Brooke Claypool & Courtney Weber

The Interpersonal Relations class developed comic strips about bullies and bullying situations. Students used library Bitstrips accounts for the creation of the cartoons. Bitstrips allows users to create characters, choose backgrounds and props, and develop text for any length of strip.

We appreciate these teachers using the library accounts to give students an unique option for their end-product.

Adult Reads @ BVSW

Your Librarians

Teacher Trivia

Stop by the library with your answer and receive a special treat.

Name the author of Tuesday's With Morrie, who also stars on a weekend sports talk show.

Blue Valley Library Media | Blue Valley School District #229 | Overland Park, KS 66223