Create a unique book trailer for your fiction/nonfiction book. Your book trailer will supply basic background information and entice your audience to read the book for themselves. A good book trailer is no shorter than 90 (one and a half minutes) seconds and no longer than 180 seconds (three minutes). In order to create this project, you can use any technology you wish.
1. Make sure you have uploaded your video to your google drive. Make sure to change the settings to "Anyone with a Link".
2. Go to QR Code Generator. Go get the link for the video on your google drive. Copy the link and paste it into the area that says "Enter your website, tect or drop a file here".
3. Download the QR Code and save the ping image to your google drive.
Canva is an awesome web based graphic design tool that allows you to create presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.
1. Locate Canva in Classlink and sign in.
2. Locate and make sure it says your school in the top left.
3. Click on the purple "Create Design" button in the top right corner. Go down to the bottom and choose "Custom Size". Change it to inches and put in 8.5 X 11.
4. Using google, find a picture of your book. This will help you chose colors in your design. Look for inspiration in the design templates but remember, you can always change colors and graphics to match your book.
5. You must include the QR Code, the title of the book and author and your name. You need to include words, phrases or a sentence to describe the book. This will be printed and displayed in the library to check to make sure words are spelled correctly.
6. When you are done, click on "share" in the top right had corner and select download. Chose PDF Printand download the PDF. Turn in the PDF in to Ms. Kotich through Canvas. Please email a copy of the PDF to Mrs. Norton
7. Enjoy and have fun designing! It's a great program!